Moroni 10 - Love God

Posted by on Sunday, May 13, 2012

Moroni 10 focuses a lot on faith and the power of God. In verse 7 I was able to learn how the two go together. It says that God works by power according to our faith. The power I need to overcome obstacles in life comes from the same faith that I have in the one who gives me power.

I feel like that anytime I am struggling in the Gospel or having a hard time living the standards of the Church I need to go back to square one - which is faith. I feel that as anyone develops and strengthens their faith they will then receive the power to do what they couldn't do before. Faith definitely procedes the miracle, but it also procedes following the commandments, prayer, worship, and repenting.

The last three verses in Moroni 10 are my favorite scriptures of all time. I have read them a lot of times and this time something stuck out to me. Moroni said in verse 32 - love God with all your might, mind, and strength. This is actually something that is mentioned a lot in the scriptures but this time what stuck out to me is the first part - love God. It reminded me of John 14:15, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." In my scriptures where it says "love God" I wrote "keep the commandments."Whenever I read this passage I think to my self I need to keep the commandments with all my might, mind, and strength.

What Moroni said I need to remember: 

  1. How merciful the Lord has been with the Children of Men (aka me and you)
  2. Every good gift cometh of Christ
  3. The Lord is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow
  4. If I die in my sins I cannot be saved in the Kingdom of God

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